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Last update:
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
POST /wallet/deposit/offline
  • Body
  • application/json content type Modified
    • metadata property Modified
      • Combinator is now anyOf

      • string-1 alternative Modified
        • Type went from object to string | null


      • number-2, integer-3, boolean-4, array-5, object-6 alternatives Added
  • Response
  • 400 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • message property Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • description property Added
  • 401 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • message property Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • description property Added
  • 500 response Modified
    • application/json content type Modified
      • message property Removed
        • Removing a resource is always breaking unless it was deprecated before


      • description property Added
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1 Breaking
POST /wallet/deposit/offline
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • gameId property Removed
    • referenceId property Added
1 structure change including:
1 Modification
Modified 1
POST /wallet/deposit/offline
  • Body
  • content type Modified
    • metadata property Added